NAYAKRISHI ANDOLON, A Farmers' Movement for Seed & Food Sovereignty and Biodiversity; By Farhad Mazhar and Farida Akhter

Published by: Narigrantha Prabartana (The Feminist Bookstore) 6/8 Sir Syed Road, Mohammadpur Dhaka-1207, 

Agriculture is a way of life. Biodiversity -based ecological agriculture is life-oriented productive activity and cultural practice that brings joy to our body and spirit.


Nayakrishi Andolon/1

Our Aims/2

Shohoj Way to Anando/3

Chemicals, Poisons & Agriculture/6

Ecological meaning of 'small and marginal' farmers/12

Enabling Conditions of Biodiverse Agroecological Farming Systems/14

Learning from History/16

Learning from Farmers/18

How Nayakrishi Started?/23

Nayakrishi and Conservation of Biodiversity & Genetic Resources/26

Integration of livelihoods/27

Ten Rules of Nayakrishi/28

Nayakrishi Seed Network (NSN)/31

Community Seed Wealth Centre (CSWC)/35

Struggle against Invasive Seeds/38

Struggle against GMOs/40


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