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TABINAJ (Anti-tobacco Alliance of Women)

Tamak Birodhi Nari Jote (TABINAJ) is the first anti-tobacco alliance of women in Bangladesh which has taken up anti-tobacco campaign to save women, men and children from the hazards of tobacco. It is against smoking and use of smokeless tobacco products which are mostly consumed by women. The Alliance is against tobacco cultivation and use of women and child labour in the hazrduous biri industry. Tabinaj is actively lobbying for Law Amendment of the Tobacco Control Law for its effective implementation. Tabinaj member organisation are working in over 43 districts of Bangladesh

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Shasthya Andolon

Shashtya Andolon is a network of health activists, researchers, health practitioners, professionals environment and women's organisations. UBINIG is the secretariat of this network since its inception in 2000. Shashtya Andolon has been very effective in mobilising public opinion for a pro-people health policy to be declared and implemented by the government. It also organises campaign on public health issues by organising seminars, holding demonstrations etc.

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Coalition Against Bt. Brinjal, Bangladesh

Coalition Against Bt. Brinjal, Bangladesdh (Bt Begun Birodhi Morcha) is an alliance of various environmental and social groups and individual scientists, intellectuals, journalists, lawyers and women and health activists. It has been protesting against the approval of Bt. Brinjal in Bangladesh which poses threat to human health, biodiversity, environment and mostl importantly farmers' rights. The Coalition calls upon the government to revoke the approval and take appropriate measure to ensure safety of human health, preserve diversity of local variety brinjals and ensure farmers rights.

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Community Biodiversity Management (CBM)

The Community Biodiversity Management is a Nayakrishi farmers' programme, which is carried out as a part of Community-Based Biodiversity Management South Asia Programme coordinated by Local Initiatives for Biodiversity, Research and Development (LI-BIRD), Nepal. Nayakrishi farmers are organised to document, conserve and utilize their genetic resources and associated knowledge through the Nayakrishi Seed Network (NSN) to protect farmers’ rights and secure access and control over their genetic resources. Through this initiative Nayakrishi farmers are carrying out Participatory Variety Selection (PVS) for Aus Rice in three agro-ecological zones. Nayakrishi farmers in Shahzadpur are using the community knowledge and skills to protect against river erosion by making Chatka -  bamboo binding in the river island of Jamuna. This Chatka protected over 142 families and helped accretion of 100 acres of land.

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Bangladesh Food Safety Network (BFSN)

The Bangladesh Food Safety Network (BFSN) was formed following a two-day workshop entitled Building a Food Safety Network in Bangladesh in November 2010. The founding member organizations of BFSN include CAB (Consumer Association of Bangladesh), UBINIG (Policy Research for Development Alternative), Shisuk, B Safe Foundation and Hunger Free World. .

The overall objective of the Workshop was for consumer organizations and like-minded NGOs working on food safety issues and public concerns to explore the potential of forming a Food Safety Advocacy and Awareness Network in Bangladesh. Eighty-three representatives from various Civil Society Organisations (CSOs)/NGOs and Consumer Organisations in Bangladesh participated in the Workshop. These organizations are working primarily on food safety issues in the areas of consumer education, monitoring and food product testing, advocacy, research and grassroots mobilisation. Through the carefully planned and presented workshop, participants identified the need to unite to move forward with initiatives to improve food safety.

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South Asia Network on Food, Ecology & Culture

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