Recent Events

Keep seeds in farmers hand for agro ecology

Learning and sharing session on seed management led by farming communities was held on 10 February, 2025 at the conference hall of Department of Agriculture Extension (DAE), Dashmina Upazila, Patuakhali. The event was organized by ‘Bangladesh Krishok Federation (BKF)’, member organization of ‘Bangladesh Agro ecology Platform (BKP)’. There were 47 participants including farmers, CSOs, local government representatives participated in the training workshop. The meeting was facilitated by Dr. M. A. Sobhan and Jahangir Alam Jony, UBINIG, the member organization of BAP. Badrul Alam, President, BKF inaugurated the worksho (Read More)

World Bank Policy on Agriculture is Against Farmers Interest: Need Urgent Action

A human chain was organized by Bangladesh Agro-Ecology Platform (BAP), including the founding member organizations of UBINIG (Policy Research for Development Alternative), BELA (Bangladesh Environmental Lawyers Association), Caritas Bangladesh, BASD (Bangladesh Association for Sustainable Development) and BKF (Bangladesh Krishok Federation), on 22 October, 2024 in front of the World Bank, Agargoan, Dhaka, Bangladesh. About 100 participants attended the human chain. The representations of Bangladesh Agro-ecology Platform (BAP), members of civil society and representative of farmers addressed the human chain.

Jahangir Alam Jony, Direc (Read More)

Research Findings Dissemination Conference 2022

A day-long research findings dissemination conference was held on March 21, 2022 at CIRDAP International Conference Center, Dhaka where the research findings of the Tobacco Control Policy Research Grant Program 2021, funded by BCCP and Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, were presented to the audiences. Apart from the research findings dissemination program, a poster session was also held at this conference where research findings of other research studies were presented through a poster presentation session. Research findings of 12 research studies were presented to the audience during the poster presentation session. Besides (Read More)

March Against Monsanto 2017

Farmers say NO to Bt Brinjal

Over 500 Farmers from 18 villages in Delduar Upazilla in Tangail and Atghoria Upazilla in Pabna in two separate events held today (20 May, 2017) at 10 am. In Tangail it was held in Silimpur Bazar, Pathrail Union, Delduar and in Pabna, rally was held in village Tong Boira, Chandbha Union, Atghoria Upazilla. These rallies were organised by UBINIG and Nayakrishi Andolon on the occasion of the Global MarchAgainst Monsanto, 2017. There were women and men chanting slogans against the aggression of the corporations like Monsanto into their local seeds and a (Read More)

RESIST Monsanto in Bangladesh

UBINIG and Nayakrishi Andolon are organising two rallies on 20th May, 2017 on the occasion of the Global March Against Monsanto, 2017 at the village level in two districts, Tangail and Pabna in Bangladesh. Nayakrishi farmers, practising ecological farming and preserving local varieties rice, vegetables, pulses, oilseeds, fruits and other inbdigenous crops are concerned about the threats of genetic intervention threatening the foundation of Bangladesh agriculture. 

Negative impacts of GMOSs on biodiversity, human health and the rights of small famers are now well recognised. Nevertheless,  Bt Brinjal, a genetically modified (Read More)

Organise Against Corporate Crimes

“Our environment is poisoned, our food is poisoned. We must act collectively against the corporate crimes”, speakers at the Press Briefing on Monsanto Tribunal stressed. The briefing was held on 4 May, 2017 at the National Press Club, Dhaka. The Press Briefing was organised by UBINIG and Nayakrishi Andolon to share the Legal Opinion delivered by Judges of Monsanto Tribunal.  In this Tribunal, a testimony was presented by Farida Akhter of UBINIG on Bt Brinjal, a Monsanto-Mahyco initiative imposed on the farmers through Bangladesh Agricultural Research Institute (BARI). The Press Briefing was chaired by Dr. Zafrullah Chowdhu (Read More)

Monsanto Tribunal Legal Opinion

 4 May, 2017 at 10.30 pm
National Press Club, Dhaka Bangladesh

Organised by Nayakrishi Andolon and UBINIG

A Press Briefing meeting is organised to share the Legal Opinion delivered by Judges of Monsanto Tribunal. The Monsanto Tribunal, an international civil society initiative to hold Monsanto accountable for human rights violations, for crimes against humanity, and for ecocide was held in the Hague, Netherlands during 15 - 16 October, 2016. Eminent judges (Read More)

World No tobacco Day Award 2016

UBINIG was awarded for its commendable contribution to tobacco control in Bangladesh

Awards are offered every year on the World No Tobacco Day for significant contribution to tobacco control activities. UBINIG (Policy Research for Development Alternative) has been offered the World No Tobacco Day Award 2016. UBINIG has been working with the farmers in Kushtia and Bandarban for cultivation of food crops shifting out of tobacco since 2006. In addition, UBINIG organized Tamak Birodhi Nari Jot (Anti Tobacco Womens’ Alliance), TABINAJ involving women’s’ organizations in 64 districts and has been working for controlling (Read More)

Budget 2016-2017: Opinion Sharing

According to media, the Ministry of Finance, Government of Bangladesh is now at the concluding stage to prepare the Annual Budget 2016-2017. The media also reported that the Government has prioritized Human Resource Development, Power, Skill Development and Information Technology for the coming financial year.

Media did not present any information about Health Sector budget, which is extremely important to serve mainly the poor and marginal people. Most of them are deprived from health service.

Shasthya Andolon – Health Movement has been active for about last 15 years to ensure improved health service for people and ma (Read More)

Tabinaj Conference 2015

Tabinaj Conference, 2015: 2 December 2015, LGED Auditorium, Dhaka

Women’s role in controlling smokeless tobacco and tobacco cultivation

December 2, 2015 Venue: LGED Auditorium, Agargaon, Dhaka
Time: 9:30 am – 5:30 pm

Organised jointly by National Tobacco Control Cell (Ministry of Health and Family Welfare),
Directorate of Women’s Affairs, Nat (Read More)

FAO honoured Nayakrishi Farmer

FAO Bangladesh sent one woman farmer Ms Rina Begum to FAO Regional office, Thailand on the occasion of the world food day 2015. She is a Nayakrishi farmer from the Delduar Upazilla of Tangail district.

Rina Begum was chosen by the Ministry of Agriculture as one of the best farmer.

Nayakrishi is the practice of biodiversity-based ecological agriculture following 10 simple rules. Because of the ecosystemic approach to agriculture and the use of good and healthy seed maintained and conserved by experienced farmers,  pesticide is not required. As a principle Nayakrishi farmers use no biocides. As soil production from the on (Read More)

Stop Bt. Brinjal and Golden Rice Field Cultivation

Discussion meeting on impact of GMO Crops: Bt Brinjal and Golden rice was held on 2 November, 2015 at the National Press Club, Dhaka. GMO Birodi Morcha and Bangladesh Paribesh Andolon (BAPA) jointly organized the discussion meeting. The environmental activist, development workers and journalist participated in the discussion meeting. Professor Moazzem Hossain, Vice President, BAPA chaired the discussion meeting. Farida Akhter, Member, GMO Biridi Morcha, presented the key note speech. The panel speakers were Delowar Jahan, Staff reporter, The daily Shokaler Khabor; Dr. M. A. Sohban, agricultural scientist and Sakiul Millat Morshed, Execut (Read More)

Declaring Delduar Safe Food Upazila

Delduar Upazilla is committed to become the first 'Safe Food Upazilla' of Bangladesh. A discussion meeting to to declare  Delduar as a Safe Food Upazila was held in the Auditorium of Delduar Upazila Parishad on 15 September, 2015. The event was organized by UBINIG on behalf of Bangladesh Food Safety Network (BFSN) with the support from Food and Agriculture Organization–Food Safety Project (FAO-FSP). There were 98 participants including 24 women and 74 men attending the discussion meeting.

Muhammad Anower Hossain, Additional Deputy Commissioner (General), Tangail was the Chief Guest. SM Perdous Ahmed, Upazila Chairman, Del (Read More)

Farmers Training on Food Safety: Delduar

Farmers’ Training on Safe Food Issues Prior to Declaration of Delduar as a Safe Food Upazila was organized at UBINIG center, Bishnupur, Delduar Upazila, Tangail district on 6 September, 2015. The event was organized by UBINIG on behalf of Bangladesh Food Safety Network (BFSN) with the support from Food and Agriculture Organization – Food Safety Project (FAO –FSP). A total of 36 Nayakrishi farmers from 20 villages of seven Unions of Delduar Upazila participated in the training workshop. Among the farmers there were 18 female farmers and 18 male farmers. The representatives from Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO-FSP); (Read More)

Diversity fair of Brinjal at Prabartana

A brinjal fair was organized by UBINIG on behalf of Bangladesh Food Safety Network (BFSN) under the aegis of Food and Agriculture Organization's  Food Safety Project (FAO-FSP). The brinjal fair was held at Prabartana, 6/8 Sir Syed Road, Moahammadpur, Dhaka on 15 June 2015. The fair was started at 10 am and continued up to 8 pm. About 500 visitors attended the fair in the morning and attended the discussions session. More than thousand visistors visited the fair and was surprised to see so many varieties of brinjals in Bangladesh.This was the first such fair to educate the consumers that safe brinjals are avavilable and by suppor (Read More)

Barisal Divisional Workshop on Safe Food

The divisional workshop on Implementation of Safe Food Act 2013 and assignment of duties for complete food system was organized on 17 June, 2015 at Deputy Commissioner’s Conference hall, Barisal. The event was organized by UBINIG on behalf of Bangladesh Food Safety Network (BFSN) under the aegis of Food and Agriculture Organization- Food Safety Project (FAO-FSP). Barisal Mahila Kallayn Sangstha (BMKS) cooperated for organizing the event. Fifty five participants including representatives from Barisal Divisional Administration, Barisal District Administration, Department of Divisional Health and Family Welfare, Department of Agricultur (Read More)

South Asia Right to Food Conference 2015

‘Right to food is Human Right’, With this slogan South Asia Right to Food Conference 2015 took place from 30 May to 1 June.

Unless you are aware of the global food politics manipulated by transnational companies like Monsanto, Syngenta, and others, who are desperate in monopolizing the food chain, and determined to pollute our biological environment with transgenic crops, such as Btbrinjal, you will remain confused by the deceptively appealing slogans like ‘right to food’. Indeed people have right to food, but the question is who is going produce the food for the people to realize this ‘right’? F (Read More)

Stop Monsanto Save Bangladesh

Bangladeshi farmers unite March Against Monsanto in Dhaka for saving seed resourcesProtest meeting and Rally against Monsanto at Dhaka:

UBINIG ( Policy Research for Development Alternative) and Nayakrishi Andolon (New Agricultural Movement) joined with Bangladesh Paribesh Andolon (BAPA), Paribesh Bachao Andolon (POBA) and other organizations to organized a protest meeting against the Monsanto followed by a rally in front of the faculty of Fine Arts, University of Dhaka at 10:30 am on 23 May 2015. Students, teachers, researchers, journalists, social activists, writers, artists, farmers and members of other professions participat (Read More)

Withdraw Award to Tobacco Company

“Award offered to British American Tobacco Company (BATC) as an women friendly company is an act of dishonor to women and violation of law, this award should be withdrawn” protest of Tamak Birodhi Nari Jot (TABINAJ).

A human chain was organized by TABINAJ in front of Shoparjito Shadhinata (TSC), University of Dhaka at 3:30 pm on 31 March, 2015, against the award offered to British American Tobacco Company as “ Women Friendly Company” by Brand Forum.

TABINAJ expressed deep indignation and protest against the award and demanded immediate withdrawal of the award.

British American Tobacco Company re (Read More)

Enhancing Market of Nayakrishi Crops

A training workshop on “Crop production and Marketing” involving the Nayakrishi farmers was organized for two days, 28-29 December 2014 at Ridoypur Biddaghor of UBINIG, Bishnapur village, Tangail. UBINIG organized this training workshop. This event is a component of Community-based Biodiversity Management, South Asia network program in which UBINIG is a member with other organizations in the South Asian region. The objective of this training workshop was how to supply chemical fertilizer and pesticide free Nayakrishi crops to the consumers. The main theme of the training workshop was to benefit the farmers financially through p (Read More)