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Golam Rabbi Badal
Tuesday 20 August 2024

Thousands of rice varieties were being cultivated in Bangladesh in the past. Even in early 1909 many thousands of varieties of rice were being grown. Humble beginning of rice research was initiated in then Dhaka center of the Bengal Department of Agriculture in 1909 under the leadership of Dr. Hector. He reported that 18000 local varieties of rice were being grown in aus, aman and boro seasons. Again in 1982, a total of 12,487 varieties of local rice were documented through a survey conducted

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Wednesday 28 September 2022

There was 68% less rain than normal this year in the rainy season (July-August), mentioned Mohammad Abdul Mannan, Meteorologist, Bangladesh Meteorological Department.

Worst Drought and Heat Wave in the Rainy Season this Year (2022) in Bangladesh which is the Worst Scenario in the Last 41 Years:

The rainfall recorded in July this year (2022), was least rainfall during this season in the last 41 years, mentioned Mohammad Abdul Mannan, Meteorologist Bangladesh Meteorological Depart

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Monday 16 September 2019

Most of the fields of aman rice were submerged due to flood in Delduar upazila, Tangail district. Not only the local variety but also High Yielding Varieties (HYV) including BR 11, BINA 7 and BRRI dhan 49 were also damaged. Even then the farmers did not lag behind. The farmers had again transplanted aman rice seedlings those who could manage seedlings. However, this task was not so easy. The story of some of the farmers are presented as follows:

Salam Mia: I was very much upset when my

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Jahangir Alam Jony
Tuesday 24 November 2015

Krishnapur is a village on the bank of the river Khalishadanga. It is in Nagor Union, Upazila: Borigram, District: Natore. In the dim and distant past this village was proudly rich in genetic resources. However, the farmers were almost exhausted of their precious possession of land races in the wave of pursuing modern agricultural practices. Recently they were oriented to Nayakrishi Andolon (new agricultural movement).They are now striving to regain their lost seed and genetic resources. The

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Dr. M. A. Sobhan
Thursday 02 April 2015

A Report on” innovative rice farming in the north” was published in the Daily Star on 11 February 2015. It was mentioned in this report “people in the low lying districts of northern Bangladesh suffered from a devastating flood, submerging traditional Aman rice varieties for 15 days, causing full or partial damage”.

The information about the flood is a fact but the last part of the above sentence “submerging traditional Aman rice varieties for 15 days, ca

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Sunday 02 January 2011

 In the month of Agrahayan, the eighth month of Bengali calendar, (early December) over 500 Nayakrishi farmers from 19 districts got together in Tangail to exhibit the rice varieties in their own collection and to discuss the issues that has caused threats to the preservation of rice varieties. It was a festival organized by UBINIG and Nayakrishi Andolon held

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Farida Akhter
Thursday 07 October 2010

BRRI 40 & IRRI 50 years: We finally get controversial GE rice!!

Ten years younger than the International Rice Research Institute (IRRI) the Bangladesh Rice Research Institute (BRRI) has observed its 40th founding anniversary in Gazipur, Dhaka on October 1st, 2010. The institution even had a birthday cake cut to celebrate its forty years. BRRI officials had a colourful procession

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Farida Akhter
Thursday 22 July 2010

IRRI announces bad news: introduction of Golden Rice in Bangladesh

While the farmers organisations around Asia were demanding that 50 years of International Rice Research Institute (IRRI) is Enough, and during this time it has contributed more to the destruction of our rice diversity than to increase it; it is heartening to see that in Bangladesh it was celebrated with much high i

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স্থানীয় জাতের বেগুন রক্ষা করুন

প্রতিবাদ ও দুনিয়ার সেরা বিজ্ঞানীদের সাবধান বাণী উপেক্ষা করে ক্ষতিকর বিটিবেগুন বা বিকৃত বেগুনের জাত বাংলাদেশে প্রবর্তন ও বাজারজাতের অপপ্রয়াস চলছে। বেগুন গাছে মাটীর ব্যাক্টেরিয়ার জিন ঢুকিয়ে পুরা বেগুন গাছকেই বিষাক্ত করা হয়। সেই গাছ ফল আর ডগা ছিদ্রকারী পোকা খেলে মরে যায়, কিন্তু বিষাক্ত বেগুন মানুষ খেলে ক্ষতি হয় না, এই হচ্ছে বৈজ্ঞানিক দাবি।

কী দরকার? কারন সারা দুনিয়ায় বেগুনের বিলিয়ন ডলার ব্যবসা। মার্কিন বহুজাতিক কম্পানি মনসান্টো ও ভারতীয় কোম্পানি মাহিকো তা তাদের একচেটিয়া নিয়ন্ত্রণে নিতে চায়। এর কারিগরি দিকের মালিকানাও তাদের।  বাংলাদেশের বেগুনের ওপর এই কারিগরি খাটীয়ে তার ওপর বুদ্ধিবৃত্তিক মালিকানা দাবি করছে তারা। অন্য দিনে বাংলাদেশের স্থানীয় বেগুন ধ্বংস করে শুধু কম্পানির বেগুন  আমাদের খাওয়াতে চায়। জীবন ও স্বাস্থ্যের ওপর যার সম্ভাব্য ঝুঁকি মারাত্মক হতে পারে।

বাংলাদেশের প্রাণবৈচিত্রের ওপর বহুজাতিক কম্পানির দখলদারির এই কৌশল প্রতিহত করতে হলে নিজেদের বেগুনের জাত চেনা ও রক্ষা করা জরুরী। এটা আমাদের সকলের সচেতনতা ছাড়া সম্ভব নয়। অতএব নিজেদের বেগুনের জাত সম্পর্কে জানুন, এবং নয়াকৃষি আন্দোলনের কৃষকদের সহায়তা করুন। এর বিরুদ্ধে লড়তে হলে নিজেদের জাত রক্ষা করার বিকল্প নাই।

প্রাণবৈচিত্রের উৎসভূমি (origin of diversity) হিসাবে বাংলাদেশ বেগুনের বৈচিত্র্যের দিক থেকে দুনিয়ার যে কোন দেশের চেয়ে সেরা। বেগুনের আন্তর্জাতিক বাজার বিশাল, কারণ সব্জির মধ্যে বেগুন সুস্বাদু এবং এর মধ্যে তেল (fat) নাই বললেই চলে। তার মানে বাংলাদেশের অর্থনৈতিক সমৃদ্ধি নিশ্চিত করবার জন্যও আমাদের দেশি জাতের বেগুন রক্ষা করতে হবে।

নয়াকৃষি আন্দোলন যে সব বেগুন নিয়মিত চাষ করে তার কিছু ছবি এখানে দেওয়া হোল।

Protest Against Btbrinjal Continues


Pictures of rallies and protests against Btbrinjal. Farmers, scientists, environmentalists, ecologists, lawyers, teachers and consumers have been protesting agaginst Btbrinjal since
Bangladesh Agriculture Research Institute (BARI) was trying to get approval from the government for cultivation and commercial release based on inadequate, incomplete and unethical research practice. GMO promoters Undermined strict adherece of  'preacuationeruy principle' during field trial necessery to protect environment and all life forms including human beings from potential environmental and health effects of the genetically modified crops.


Nayakrishi centers in the districts of Tangail, Pabna, Cox’s Bazar, Kushtia.

 Introducing Dai Mas (Traditional Birth Attendants)

Introducing key leaders of the rural health movement in Bangladesh.

Dai Ma (Traditional Birth Attendants) plays a major role in rural health systems particularly in maternal & child health and in the use and conservation of medicinal plants. UBINIG is working with them for a long time to develop a link with their practice with agro-ecological approach to health, medicine and nutrition led by Nayakrishi farming communities who practice biodiversity based ecological agriculture. Dai Mas are now organised into a network engaged in innovative knowledge practices and institutional experiments. This will enable them to contribute more effectively to national health system. They have strong grass root connections and effective social network. They are self-motivated and monitor the health of mother and child on their own as a responsible member of the community. Sense of responsibility come from their being woman and the natural instinct to help other women in child birth and child rearing. A command on indigenous knowledge and profound understanding of reproductive and child health make them unique in their role in the community. UBINIG is working with theme to find innovative and effective ways to link them with national health system.

Daighors (দাইঘর)

Translating Dai Mas as 'Traditioal Birth Attendants' misses the profound cultural, social and knowledge based practices of women in rural areas of Bangladesh. First, Dai Ma’s symbolises a social relationship. Her responsibility does not star during childbirth, rather when a woman comes as a bride in her village or locality. She is the main source of reproductive knowledge for women in reproductive age. In most cases, the Dai Ma is connected to the families of her in laws by helping in the birth of her husband. Dais are always married and have children, this is her acceptability as 'Dai' (birth attendant) in the village. She is the living medical and health record of the women in the village and without her a community health care system is almost impossible on which the national health care system has to rely on.

Glimpses from Nayakrishi Villages

Biodiversity-based ecological agriculture is note merely 'ORGANIC', but a unique practice without pesticide, chemicals and ground water extraction to achieve the highest systemic yield from per acre of farm land. Households are small ecological production units constituting a complex design encompassing the whole village. You can purchase the farmer's produce from Shashyshaprabartana.

Samples of  UBINIG Posters

Posters express concerns and ideas. They are interesting materilas to read and listen as well participate in the issues one is committed. UBINIG regularly prints and shares posters as a way  to build up networks and communications.  Web through some examples posted here.


UBINIG publications. To order please contact UBINIG (Policy Research for Development Alternative) 88 0178 001 1194 or`

Narigrantha Prabartana

6/8 Sir Syed Road, Mohammedpur, Dhaka -1207.

Phone:  880-2-9140812 . email:

আমাদের বাংলা প্রকাশনা

উবিনীগ (উন্নয়ন বিকল্পের নীতি নির্ধারণী গবেষণা)  থেকে প্রকাশিত গুরুত্বপূর্ণ বাংলা বইয়ের তালিকা। আরও জানার জন্য উবিনীগ অফিসে যোগাযোগ করুন (মোবাইল: ০১৭৮০০১১১৯৪)। বই সরবরাহ ও যোগাযোগের জন্য:

নারীগ্রন্থ প্রবর্তনা  ৬/৮ স্যার সৈয়দ রোড, মোহাম্মদপুর, ঢাকা-১২০৭, বাংলাদেশ।
ফোন: ৮৮০-২-৯১৪০৮১২, মোবাইল: ০১৯৫ ৪৪৭৬০৬৪ ।  ই-মেইল:

Nayakrishi Seed Wealth Center and Seed Huts

Nayakrishi Seed Wealth Center and Seed Huts