Wisdom and sense of beauty of the names of local rice varieties

Thousands of rice varieties were being cultivated in Bangladesh in the past. Even in early 1909 many thousands of varieties of rice were being grown. Humble beginning of rice research was initiated in then Dhaka center of the Bengal Department of Agriculture in 1909 under the leadership of Dr. Hector. He reported that 18000 local varieties of rice were being grown in aus, aman and boro seasons. Again in 1982, a total of 12,487 varieties of local rice were documented through a survey conducted in 359 unions, 433 thanas in 20 districts by the Bangladesh Rice Research Institute (BRRI). It is really surprising that such a rich treasure of rice varieties was innovated by the farmers of this country. Each of the variety has a beautiful name with significance. The name of some of the local rice varieties is nice and meaningful that it reflects the wisdom and sense of beauty of our forefathers.
The specific name and history are associated with the knowledge base of the farming communities. The special attributes of the local rice varieties are hidden in their names. Again, some of the names are so explanatory that they are intelligently self-informative. As there were thousands of varieties, so there were thousands of names. Their knowledge and wisdom were so keen that they could assign appropriate name for all the varieties. The act of naming the rice varieties with rich treasure of attributes is really a praiseworthy effort. Based on the meanings of the names the farmers used to select the varieties of their choice for special attributes. With care and love they used to sow the seeds in the fields. Again, the farmers used to harvest seed and preserve for growing crop next season.
Art of the name of local rice varieties
Praiseworthy efforts for identification of the varieties from each other is a great art of wisdom. The farmer has given a popular name for identification of his favorite variety.
Many aus rice varieties have been named after the name of flower. For example: Jabaful, Marich ful, Kaisha ful, Badam ful, Binna ful, Sharisa ful, Dhania ful, Kanai ful, Shurjamukhi, Banshful, Kadamful, Kamini, Nayantara, Krishnachura, Lebuful, and so on. It is unbelievable that the farmers have been maintaining this rich treasure of rice genetic resources for thousands of years.
Again, rice varieties have been named after the name of fruits like Lichu, Jamrul, Kamranga, Dumur, Badam, Khathal etc. Some rice varieties have been named prefixing the names of fruits like Morich pal, Narikel bedi, Khejur jhopa, Muri Aam, Boroi-bichi, Bel pata, Aamjira etc. Some varieties have been named by prefixing the names of some vegetables like Kumra ger, Begun-bichi, Hashi kumra, Kalo-kachu, Sajna pata, Shaluk, Kumra goir, Shat kumra, Ash-kumra and Dudh-kachu. Rice varieties have been named after some other crops Panbor, Morich buti, Moricha duli, Shona mug, Badam bichi, Morich pal, Kancha halud, Til-bajal, Khoia-motor, etc. Names of trees have been used for naming rice varieties like Boteshwar, Bagtulshi, Patharkuchi, Bansh-pata, Bot-shail, Keora, Shundari-balam, Tulshi mala, Muri-aam, Botnor, Gachi-aam, Kamini shail, Lechubichi, Bakul bichi, Gojari, Kanchan, etc.
Tulshi Mala
Leafy greens, insects, medicinal plants were also not exempted in the naming of rice varieties. Accordingly, Kuch, Kuch lota, Kharkon, Methi, Moumachi, Ghroto-kanchan and Elachi were used for naming rice varieties. Name of fish were used for naming rice varieties like Koijhuri, Rui, Koiaboro, Bowaljaki, Tangra etc.
Directly names of animals were used for naming rice varieties like Kalabokri, Goyal, Baror. Some rice varieties have been named by prefixing or sufficing some other words on the names of animals like Banorjhola, Mokrimatha, Shial leji, Mohish bathan, Bura horin, Mohish dol, Honumanjota, Horin kajoli, Mohish pal etc.
Names of birds have been used for naming rice varieties like Ghughu-shail, Choroi, Moyna, Bok-ful, Mach-ranga and Moyna-tia. Proper names of humankind were not exempted for naming rice varieties like Morium, Nipa, Manik, Morol, Kabir moni, Fulmoti, Goutam, Goneshmota, Manik mondol, Rajamobdol, Kamai mallik, and Kanchan bibi.
Names of localities have been used for naming some rice varieties like Boteshwar, Vaoal, Hatia, Shapahar, Patuakhali, Farash danga, Patnai, Lakshmipura and Moynamoti. Numbers have been used naming local rice varieties like, Baish bish, Arai or only Baish. It is surprising to think that the name of a local varieties is Ni.
The shortest name of the local variety of rice is actually one letter. If you think about it, it is surprising that the name of the local rice variety is "Ni".
The color diversity of our local varieties of rice is huge. Various names have been given to describe the special characteristics of rice. The local rice is named by combining words with black to indicate the difference between the black color as well. It's truly amazing to think of how many different sources of sound have been added to black color. The black color of the rice has been used for naming rice varieties like Kala bokri, Kalo Kochu, Kalo shona, Kala manik, Kala boali, Kala shaita, Kalo paher, Kalo china, Kalo kumari, Kalo kota, Kalo-shankopoti, Kalo digha, etc. Sada kolom, Lal aus, Sada aus, Shidur kota, Lal kumari, Dudh-shail, Dudhekotki, Dhala shaita, Dudhshor and Kalijira are some other name of local rice varieties based on color.
Names of rivers have been added for naming rice varieties like Ganga-sagor, Surma-shail, Gonga-manik, Modhumati etc. Some varieties have been named based on the month of rice maturity and planting like Ashina, Kartikjhul, Kartik shail, Ashini kandi, Achinina, Boishakhi, Choita, Ashari etc.
Based on the preferred consumers of the rice the varieties have been named like Thakur bhog, Doyal bhog, Badsha bhog, Sultan bhog, Shobri bhog, Gopal bhog, Rajbhog shahi, Gobinda bhog, Rasul bhog, Shita bhog, etc. It is indicative of the rice grain quality for offering to thank (priest), Shita, Gopal, Gabinda. In addition, fine aromatic rice is used for religious festival and thus named Rasul bhog. Likewise, rice offered for the Rulers King or Sultans the fine aromatic rice varieties are named Rajbhog, or Sultan bhog. Fine aromatic rice varieties have been named as Radhuni pagol, Bou shohagi, Jamai naru, Bou pagla, Bou Aduri etc.
Radhuni Pagol
It is really pleasing that our ancestors were so wise and intelligent in naming the rice varieties. The very name of the rice variety is indicative of its latent potentials and attributes. Such excellent varieties include Lakshmi bilash, Lakshmi lota, Dulal, Dudh sagor, Shohag, Kancha noni, Dudhshor, Chandrahar, etc.
Some rice varieties have been named by adding the names of the season they are grown like Sonali boro, Kali boro, Chandon boro, Shail boro, Tepi boro, Jangli boro, Khoia boro, Lal boro etc.
Broadcast aman rice is called shail dhan. There are a handful of rice varieties in shail dhan group. Some of the shail rice varieties include—Agun shail, Shaokot shail, Jabor shail, Lona shail, Bashi shail, Indra shail, Bansh Shail, Madhab shail, Kachi Shail, Ena shail, Gua shail, Kati Shail, Modhu Shail, Kamini Shail, Rai Shail, Amsha Shail, Jhinga Shail, Kartik Shail, Pani Shail, Vutta Shail, Puti Shail, Idur Shail, Kaid Shail, Gabra Shail, Ani Shail, Mukut Shail, Magur Shail, Pashu Shail, Chul Shail, Darka Shail, Votra Shail, Shoni Shail, Sona Shail, Dhaki Shail, Vasha Shail, Shung Shail, Jhupri Shail, Bota Shail, Ashani Shail, Behari Shail, Ragho Shail, Manik Shail, Madhab Shail, Kalmi Shail, Kachu Shail, Nidan Shail, Pipra Shail, Bucha Shail, Dakia Shail, Lora Shail, Bota Shail, Aam Shail, Kumra Shail, Ata Shail Kala Shail, Okra Shail, Gorua Shail, Tapi Shail, Atop Shail, Boiragi Shail, Gondhi Shail, Dang Shail, Kali Shail, Moni Shail, Hatia Shail, Lal Shail, Girin Shail, Aula Shail, Horma Shail, Surma Shail, Shorban Shail, Aghoni Shail, Pati Shail, Hara Shail, Dhola Shail, Sham Shail, Kadi Shail. Jalia Shail, Khoi Shail, Shinduk Shail, Rajoni Shail, Nunia Shail etc.
Cultural practices of rice varieties
Fried paddy (Khoi) is an in separable component of different festival of Adi-bashi (ethnic) communities in Bangladesh. No festival could be accomplished in this country in the past without “khoi of binni rice” and batasha (sweet). There are varieties of binni rice varieties including—Chandan binni, Modhu binni, Khora binni, Bangla binni, Sada binni, Pora binni, Hul binni, Kaisha binni, Shem binni, Mou binni, Ranga binni, Agunia binni, Kakkua binni, Barma binni, Khochia binni, Gedar binni, Lal binni, Dudh binni, Geng gong binni, Baish binni, Nedra binni, Khoar binni, etc.
Some of the names of local rice varieties are so nice that it is pleasing to pronounce those time and again. Unfortunately, most of them are no more in farmers’ field. However, it creates a sense of pleasure to remember the names with emotion. Such rice varieties are Jolkumari, Jhara Badal, Modhumala, Kanakchur, Modhu maloti, Ayna mohol, Chadmony, Moyrkanthi, Hashi Kolmi, etc.
Rice varieties were named Begun bichi, Khude boron based on small size of grain. Some other named Shoru dhan of Chikon dhan. Some other varieties with small grain were named as lal chikon, Badai chikon, Chikon dhan, Sada chikon etc. Some rice varieties with bold grain were named Baish moni, Chouddo mugur, etc. Some rice varieties were named based on different human race like Bangali, Frashi, Hangalin, Turki, etc. There are some rice varieties without any relation with any popular article. Such varieties include Sharshey banor, Allah bakshi, Charnok, Dhepor, Korail, Leja, Gorcha, Vasha, Khabli etc. Some rice varieties were named with negative sense like- Shoni, Shorshe banor, Bangla dari, Poshu, etc. One variety of rice is named “Gaza” indicating addiction. It is difficult to trace the significance of the name with addiction. The name of the rice varieties “Boiragi” deserves research to find out the significance of the name.
Broadcast aman rice varieties can tolerate waterlogging and rising water. Such varieties are named Jal, Jali, Pani shail, Sona moli jol, Pani posando etc.
Some other varieties adapted to waterlogging are named Digha. Dhal digha, Ashina digha, Hijal digha etc.
Some variety with different names in different location include Lona shail/Nona shail, Radhuni pagol/ Randhuni pagol, Narikel bedi/ Narikel podi/ Chiniguri/Chini gura, Bou pagla/Bou pagol, Matichak/ Motichak, Koia jhuri/ Koijhuri etc.
Poem on rice varieites
The importance of local varieties on the local population is reflected in the culture, society and literature. Rice varieties have been mentioned in different volumes of literature. Poet Forruk Ahmed composed a poem on rice with title- Dhaner Kobita (Poem on rice). The first eight lines are translated as follows:
“Kumari, Konoktara, Surjamukhi, Hasikolmi and
Atlai, Pashpai dhan-are there in the field of Bangladesh
Farmers pass hot summer days with aus rice;
Aman rice varieties grow fast with rising flood water
Farmers pray for blessing of Almighty of Allah
Harvest the varieties like Rupsha “La” Tilok Kachari,
Balam, Khirayjali, Dhdhshor, vaneties of the field
Complete happiness is ensured in the farming household.
Thousands of rice varieties have been eroded from farmers’ fields forever. However, Nayakrishi (Biodiversity based ecological agriculture) maintained about 2000 local rice varieties. In addition there are national and international gene banks also conserved local rice varieties.
The names of some rice varieties have been eroded from the minds of the farming community and the people at large. Day by day we have also forgotten the names of many rice varieties.
The rice varieties conserved in the Government Gene Banks have been used for varietal improvement research and development of modern varieties. All-out effort is there for damaging and destruction of whatever varieties still remaining in the hands of the farmers.
Rice genetic resources still remaining in the hand of the farmers must be maintained with care for use by the posterity. It is needed to priorities the maintainece of local rice varieties with association of indigenous knowledge systems for its wider application.