Saturday 22 August 2015
Other Local Name :
Botanical Name : Plantago ovata
Family : Plantaginaceae
Main Use : Medicine
Other Uses : Medicine:
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Isabgul is a medicinal plant native to Western Asia and South Asia. Commercial Isabgul is a form of fiber made from the husks of the Plantago ovata plant’s seed. It is most commonly used as a laxative. It has many benefits to the human body from heart to pancreas. It can contribute heart health by lowering blood pressure, improving lipid levels and strengthening, heart muscle. Isabgul is cool, laxative, antidiuretic, soothing, harmless, antiacidic and stabilizer. Due to there properties Isabgul is largely used in food preparations, pharmaceutical industries, ayurvedic medicine, unani medicine and preparation of drugs.
The recommended dosage for Isabgul ranges from 10 - 30 gram daily, in divided doses.
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