Basella /Indian spinach

Other Local Name :
Botanical Name : Basella rubra Linn
Family : Chenopodiaceae
Main Use : Food/Medicine
Other Uses : Food/Medicin
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Basella is a leafy vegetable.There is a proverb in rural areas of Bangladesh ' Shaker modhey pui macher modhey rui '(Basella among vegetables, carp among fish).Expecting mothers are advised to take basella regularly for its rich nutritional properties. Basella is rich in calcium.It is also used for treatment of constipation.Ash produced by burning dried leaves and stem of basella is used as tooth powder for treating pyorrhoea.Leaf extract of basella mixed with mustard oil is applied for treatment of scab.Regular intake of basella as vegetable helps regulating urine discharge for those who suffer from impaired urination.
Caution :It is better not to take basella as vegetable for someone suffering from chronic dysentry.
Reference:Field Research of UBINIG and Chironjib Bonoushadhi