Saturday 05 November 2016
Other Local Name :
Botanical Name : Elettaria cardamomum
Family : Zingiberaceae
Main Use : Spice/Medicine
Other Uses : Spice/Medicine
Know More
Cardamom is used as a spice across the globe.In India cardamom is known as a national spice. So it is called the queen of spice. It is grown in hill areas of Uttar Pradesh, Mysore, Tamilnadu, Gujrat,Andhra Pradesh, Shikim and Kerala.It is also grown in Guatemala and Sreelanka. About 90% of cardamom produced in India are exported out side the country.The use of cardemom as medicine is recognized for about 2000 years. Cardamom has been used for treatment of different diseases in Ayurvedic principle.
Nutrtion : Cardamom has enough nutritional properties.It has less fat and rich in protein. There is enough vitamin A, vitamin B and vitamin C in cardamom.
Medicinal properties : Cardamom is an effective medicine for heart disease, constipation, vomiting,scab and respiratory problem.It is useful for relieving muscle fixation. It is used in gurgling for treatment of teeth and gum infection. According to some physicians it reduces stomach unrest of cholera patients . It is used for treatment of stomach problem because it helps prouduction of bile and enzyme. Cardamom creates reproductive impulse, It is also used for treatment of gonorrhoea.Cardamom juice is good for belly-ache and it also gives strength to resist cold .
Chironjib Bonoushodhi ,vol.3,Indian Spices,Condiments and Natural Herbs