Curry Leaves

Saturday 12 November 2016
Other Local Name :
Botanical Name : Murraya Koenigii
Family : Rutaceae
Main Use : Spice/Medicine
Other Uses : iBoro sunga ts a small strong -smelling decidious shrub or small tree with scented leaves. The leaves contain an essential oil,tannins, a restn and a glucide,koenigin. The leaves increase digestive secretion and relieve nausia, indigegtion and vomiting.They are also served as a cure for diarrhea and dysentry.
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Boro sunga has strong stem. The branches are covered with dark grey bark. The leaves are alternate , extipulate, usually glabrous and very strongly aromatic. Leaf lets number 9 -12 or more, short stalked and alternate, ovate- ovate lanceolate. The leaves have a slightly pungent, bitter and acidous taste. They retain their flavour when moderately dried.
The leaves, bark, and roots are used for treatment of diabetes,diarrhea, dysentry, vomiting, etc.
Nutrient content :
Per 100 grams, moisture 63.8% , protein 6.1 % , fat 1.0 % , carbohydrate 18.7%, fiber 6.4 % and minerals 4.0 %.