Olive Plant

Friday 18 November 2016
Other Local Name : Olive Plant
Botanical Name : Elaeocarpus robustus/ Elaeocarpus serratus
Family : Elaeocarpaceae
Main Use : Food and Medicin
Other Uses : Food and Medicine. Olive is popular as a sour fruit. Olive makes tasty pickles. It is also used with curry and soup for adding taste. Timber of olive tree makes cheap furniture and household fittings .
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Olive is an evergreen medium to big-sized tree with simple leaves,small flowers in axillary racemes and one seeded drupes planted for its edible fruits and timber in high land areas of Bangladesh . It is also grown in many other tropical and subtropical countries across the globe. It has simple leaves, small flowers in axillary buds and one seeded drupes .
Leaves contain vitamin C, myrecitin, mearnsetin and ellagic acid. Fruits containtannin and large amount of plant acids including citric acid . Leaf extract is diuretic and cardiovascular stimulant . Leaves are also used in rheumatism and dysentry. Soup of the fruits is used for stimulating secretion from the taste buds .