
Sunday 20 November 2016
Other Local Name : Periwinkle
Botanical Name : Vinca rosea
Family : Apocynaceae
Main Use : Medicinal And Flowers
Other Uses : Medicinal And Flowers
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Periwinkle is an annual herb. In some situations it can be perennial.It grows upto 1-2 feet tall. The perennials are 4.0-4.5 feet tall. The flowers have 5 petals. The flowers are either pink , white or red.The plants flower round the year. The leaves are bitter in taste.
Distribution : It is available all over Bangladesh
Propagation : It grows from seeds. It can also be propagated by cutting.
Medicinal properties : Leaves and roots are used in medicinal purpose. There are about 70 alkalloids in this plant. Two of them are used for treatment of leucomia. Research on medicinal use of different parts of the plant is on progress home and abroad.
Chemtcal constituents:
1.Leaf contains : Glycoside, Ursolic acid, Alkaloids, Tannin, Carotinoids, Sterols,Olerosin,etc.
2. Root contains:Twenty four alkaloids including Vinocidine, Lochnerivine, Cavincine,etc.
3. Whole plant contains: The whole plant contains alkaloids,Ursolic acid,etc.
Medicinal use :Leaf and root extracts are used as medicine. The whole plant extract contains about 70 alkaloids. Out of these two are used as medicine for leucomia.Ressearch on other medicinal uses are progressing home and abroad.
Injury or lesion: Leaf extract is effective for curing any injury or lesion.
Blood pressure:Five ml of root extract served before breakfast,3-4 cnsecutive days control high blood pressure.
Diabetes :Regular consumption of leaf extract controls diabetes .
Leucomia: Plant extract is effective for treating leucomia.
Multiple diseases: The whole plant extract is used for treatment of many diseases including leprosy, heart disease, lack of appetite, bloating, cold and cough.
Insect bite: Insect bites including wasp, bees,etc can be cured with application of leaf extract.
Source of information:
UBINIG field research