Sushuni Shak

Thursday 24 November 2016
Other Local Name : Sushuni Shak
Botanical Name : Marsilea minuta
Family : Marsiliaceae
Main Use : Food and Medicine
Other Uses : Food and Medicine
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Dwarf Waterclover is a creeping fern. The plants grow on the marshy land in wild situation. The leaf blade is divided into four segments. The plants grow profusely in the rainy season.
Distribution: The plants grow in rice fields,on the bank of the ponds and other open spaces .
Medicinal use:
The leaves are used for treatment of chronic fever,leprosy and sexually transmitted diseases. Intake of the leaf extract with hot water cures breathing complications and ensures good sleep. The brain power of unmindful children is improved by regular intake of leaf extract for three to four months. Regular intake of leaf extract mixed with water and sugar balances blood pressure. Unusual skin burning is relieved by application of leaf extract.
Source: Useful Plants of Bangladesh, published by The Add Communication, Andarkilla, Chittagong .