Sessile Joyweed

Friday 25 November 2016
Other Local Name : Alternanthera
Botanical Name : Alternanthera sessilis
Family : Amaranthaceae
Main Use : vegetable and Medicine
Other Uses : Shak and Medicinal Plant
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Joyweed is a prostrate annual herb. It has narrow spreading branches. It is a self sown herb, both on cultivated fields and uncultivated spaces. The leaves are5-8 cm long. Leaves are fleshy. Flowers are small, white, flat, round like ear ring. Fruits are elongated and flat. Tender leaves are taken as vegetables.
Distribution :Joyweed grows widely in wet places all over Bangladesh and India.
Nutrient content : Joyweed is rich in calcium, iron,protein, carbohydrate, vitamin C and edible fiber.
Medicinal properties :
Joyweed is a precious medicinal herb for it's antidiabetic,analgesic, antidepressant, antioxidant and inhibition of allergic response properties.
Intake of two tea-spoonful of leaf extract of joywood mixed with hot water in empty stomach in the morning controls thread worm infestation.
Regular consumption of joyweed as vegetable improves strength and vitality.Intake of boiled leaves balances blood pressure and cures eye problems.