
Saturday 26 November 2016
Other Local Name : Chinese Moon-creper, King Tonic, skunkvine, stinkvine, or Chinese fever vine
Botanical Name : Paederia foetida
Family : Rubiaceae
Main Use : Herbs
Other Uses : Food, Medicine and ornamental Plant Medicinal Use The main use of stink vine is for treatment of dysentry and other gastrointestinal diseases . For treating dysentry, 3-4 teaspoonful of leaf extract mixed with honey is served to the affected person। For treating constipation leaf juice mixed with common salt is served in the morning. Patients suffering from piles are served with two spoonful juice of stink vine mixed with three grams of raw turmeric. Leaf juice is very effective for treating indigestion, bloating and other stomach problems of growing children. The leaf juice is also used for treatment of paralysis. The fruits are effective for treating toothache. Cold and fever is treated with leaf juice. Leaf juice is used for treating loose motion, half cup is needed for an adult, while two teaspoonful of juice are offered for children, twice daily.Regular intake of leaf juice in the morning in empty stomach relieves arthritis and kidney stone.
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Stinkvine is a medicinal, food and ornamental plant. It is a climbing herb.The main identifying character of this plant is it's pungent smell.The leaves are cordate and opposite. It is sporadically available in different parts of Bangladesh. It grows vigorously in the rainy season.
Distribution: Stinkvine is widely available in Bangladesh, Bhutan, China, Cambodia, India, Japan, Nepal and Taiwan .
The plants flower in September- October in Bangladesh . The fruits mature in November- December. Plants may be multiplied by stem cutting and sowing seeds .
1.Bharatyo Bnoushadi by Dr.Kalidas Biswas
2.UBINIG Field Research Report