Green Coconut

Sunday 11 December 2016
Other Local Name : Green Coconut
Botanical Name : Cocos nucifera
Family : Palmae
Main Use : Drink and Medicinal
Other Uses : The bark of green coconut fruit is a very good feed of goat. Dried coir is used for makig rope, cushion,carpet and mat. Leaves of coconut tree is used in thatching , making mat and basket. Shell of ripe coconut fruit is used in cottage industry. Straight trunk of coconut tree is used for making pole and fencing of houses. In addition oil is extracted from pulp of coconut fruit.
Know More
Coconut plant is a banchless evergreen tall plant. The plants grow up to 15-30 feet tall. The plants have long compound leaves.Male and female flowers grow separately on the same plant. The flowers are greenish yellow.The tender fruits are called dab in bangla. The tender fruits and the matured fruits are considered differently. We know a lot about the beneficial attributes of coconut drink.This is a healthy drink. This is specially appreciable in hot summer days. Coconut drink is much better than any other sarbot or soft drink.But there is risk of drinking too much of coconut water at a time. Drinkig too much of coconut water may lead to obecity , high sugar level in blood and many dangerous diseases.
Availability: Coconut trees grow in all agro-ecological zones of Bangladesh.
Seed collection : Coconut seed is collected during July-August.
Nutrient content of coconut water, per 100 grams:
water- 95 g, protein- 2.3 g, carbohydrate- 2.4 g, fat- o.o1 g, calcium-24 mg, phosphorus-0.01 mg, Iron-0.1 mg, potassium-600 mg,magnesium-25 mg, manganese-0.142 mg, zinc-0.10mg, copper- 40 mg, vitamine B 1-o.11mg, vitamine B 2- o.0 2,vitamine C- 5 mg, niacin- o.o4 mg,thiamine -0.03mg, sodium- 105mg, pantothenic acid- 0.43 mg, pyrodoxine-0.032, riboflavin - o.o57 mg and edlble fiber -206 mg , and food energy- 23 k calories .
Medicinal properties of coconut water :
Coconut water cures dehydration in hot humid weather. Coconut water is very effective for treating cholera patients.Drinking coconut water helps digestion. Coconut water helps maintaining balance of body fluid during physical exerctse. Diabetic patients are advised to take coconut water regularly.Coconut water is rich in vitamine C. Coconut water helps maintaining blood flow and growth. It cures indigestion, gastric, ulcer, colitis, dysentry and piles. Coconut water is natural energy drink. Coconut water is used as an alternative to oral saline across the globe including Bangladesh.
Precaution :
Coconut water increases calory. Those who are concerned about weight gain should think before taking coconut water. It increases blood flow. It is rich in sodium. It is harmful for kidney affected patients.