Friday 10 February 2017
Other Local Name : Khathapata
Botanical Name : Alternanthera sessilis:
Family : Amaranthaceae
Main Use : vegetable and Medicine
Other Uses :
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Kathapata grows on the border of crop fields round the year. More so in the winter. It grows abundantly in potato, brinjal, tomato and other winter crop fields .There are many varieties of kathapata . However, a single variety dominates in Tangail, Manikganj,Norshingdi districts . This variety has small leaves with rough surface. The flowers are white. The branches are depressed with the soil .
Medicinal properties : This herb has been used for long in Asia and Africa in the treatment of many diseases including gastrities, vomiting, headache, bronchities,asthma, hepatitis, diabetes, etc.
Nutritional properties : on the basis of 100 grams of green leaves, there are carbohydrate- 11.8 g (4%), edible fiber- 2.1 g, sugar-11.6 g , protein-4.7 g .
Source : UBINIG field research and internet .