
Wednesday 15 February 2017
Other Local Name : Onion
Botanical Name : Allium cepa
Family : Amaryllidaceae
Main Use : Vegetable
Other Uses : Onion leaf is used as vegetable. Sometimes onion leaf is used as an alternative of onion in case there is shortage of onion.
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Onion is a common spice in Bangla culinery practice.
The citizens of Bangladesh have been using onion leaf also as a vegetable for ages. Onion is sold with leaf in the beginning of the early harvest just after the rainy season when there is high price of onion in the market. Onlon leaf is used as an alternative of onion in case there is high price of onion. The flower bearing stem is more used as vegetable than the leaves.The use of onion stem has been increasing with the commercial cultivation of onion.
In Cox'sbazar,Tangail, Pabna and Narshingdi districts onion stem is cooked with pumpkin leaves for serving with breakfast and lunch.Onion stem is also used for preparing blackgram as pulse.Common perception of the people is that onio stem is quite rich in nutrient.
Origin and tradition : The center of origin of onion is uncertain. The wild habitat and ancestors have been eroded. However, the use of onion has been continued for centuries in the western region of Asia. Information about the use of onion is available for thousands of years in Persia (Iran),Egypt,India and China.
Description : Onoin is a biennial herb. Leaves are deep green.Onion is grown in fertile high and medium lands.
Onion is planted during October- November and harvested during January-February. There are many varieties of onion.
Nutrient content: Onion is a nutrient rich vegetable and a popular spice.Likewise the onion leaves are also rich in nutrient. There are vitamin A, Vitamin C and oxalate composition. There are minerals including magnesium,calcium,potassium, phosphorus,sodium and iron.
Source of information:
1. UBINIG field research
2.Useful Plants of Bangladesh